Baker Station
2024-2025 School Year Information
For students in PM Kindergarten & 1st-5th Graders
Offered in cooperation with Community Unit School District 303 and held at various schools, Baker Station provides a caring, secure environment. Children will enjoy arts & crafts, participate in small/large motor activities, read stories, play board games, do homework and have a snack. Participants will also go outside, weather permitting.
Baker Station begins after school. To pick up your child(ren), parents will need to call the site phone and a staff member will walk them outside to your car. Children must be picked up by 6pm.
If District 303 schools are closed, Baker Station will NOT be held. Please plan to make alternate arrangements.
Baker Station Sites
- Bell Graham
- Davis (includes Richmond)
- Ferson Creek (includes Anderson)
- Fox Ridge
- Munhall
- Wasco
- Wild Rose
CUSD303 will provide transportation for participants not attending Baker Station at their home school.
Corron and Norton Creek schools will continue to be served onsite by South Elgin Recreation and West Chicago Park District. Private schools will not be able to participate.
Registration Info
Online registration is not available. Use the registration form link below. A non-refundable program deposit is required.
2024-2025 Baker Station Registration Form
Baker Station 2024-2025 Handbook
Emergency Info
After registering, you will receive an eMail from ePACT, the District’s secure emergency network, to create an account and complete medical & emergency contact information.
5-day • $2,330/year | $233/month**
4-day • $2,090/year*** | $209/month**
3-day • $1,7600/year*** | $176/month**
2-day • $1,280/year*** | $128/month**
** Based on ten (10) months, Aug 1-May 1. If beginning the program after the start date, monthly fees may be different than posted.
***Must register for same days each week.
Payment Options
- Pay the $50 non-refundable program deposit, if applicable, and full activity registration fee at the time of registration.
- Non-refundable deposit waived if registered by July 15
- Pay the $50 non-refundable program deposit, if applicable, and have the program balance split between monthly payments, automatically withdrawn from your bank account. Monthly payment information is required at the time of registration. Payments will occur on the 1st of each month, August through May.
- Electronic Check Payment (ECP) Monthly payments will be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.
- Credit Card Authorization (CCA) Monthly payments will be automatically charged to your credit card: Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express
Refund Policy
- Full refunds will be granted if a valid physician’s written excuse or proof of relocation out of the area are submitted. Refunds may be pro-rated based upon the remaining number of classes in the session.
- The Park District reserves the right to review and make the final decision on all refunds.
- The St. Charles Park District reserves the right to consolidate site locations based on enrollment minimums and other program needs.
- Information, including but not limited to disciplinary, injury, late-pickup notices, etc., will be shared with the person signing your child in/out.
- To ensure the safety of your child, update your child’s ePACT account with any contact, medical, or authorized pick-up information on an on-going basis.
- The Baker Station and Before the Bell programs are a license exempt child-care program and is not licensed through the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
- These programs operate within St. Charles Park District General Use Regulations Ordinance; per Chapter 3 Section 6 – Weapons and Harmful Substance: prohibits at any time have in his possession or on or about his person, concealed or otherwise, any firearm, paintball gun, club, any device capable of discharging a projectile by air, spirit, liquid or gaseous substance or dangerous knives or other dangerous weapons; nor throw or cast any stones or other missiles.