Recreational Clubs
Square Dancing
Square Dancing is a fun way to enjoy both physical and mental exercise, while also gaining a whole new social network of friends. Sometimes called “friendship set to music”, today’s square dance tunes are a mix of traditional, popular, classics, and rock – basically any music with a steady beat. Square dance is walking to the beat in coordination with other dancers. No partners needed for lessons, since an experienced dancer will be on hand to be your partner. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Ages 8-17 must be accompanied by an adult.
Bachelors ‘N Bachelorettes
Dances are held in the Baker Community Center from 8-10pm on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month, year round with some exceptions.
Fox Valley Mixers
Lessons for inexperienced or new dancers are held every Sunday evening beginning in January and September at 6:15pm. The first lesson is free. Dances for experienced square dancers are held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month, except once per month in June, July and August. Dances are held from 7:30-10pm in the Baker Community Center. Check the website for dates, callers, themes and other details.
St. Charles Chess Club
Meets every Thursday (except holidays) in Baker Community Center at 7pm for off-hand or speed-chess games. Serious non-rated ladder play games start at 8pm Players consist of beginners to experts, but currently no masters.